Adding Users and Groups to a Group

You can add users and groups as members of a group from either the user or the group property sheet.

There are three ways to add members to a group:
  • To add a user to a group from the user's property sheet, select the Groups tab, which lists the groups to which the user belongs. Click the Add Groups tool to open a list of groups, select one or more, and then click OK to add the user to them.
    Note: Click the Show All Parent Groups tool to show all the parent groups of the groups of which the user is a member, and from which she may inherit additional rights, permissions, and profiles.
  • To add a group to a parent group from the child group's property sheet, select the Parent Groups tab, which lists the groups to which the group belongs. Click the Add Groups tool to open a list of groups, select one or more, and then click OK to add the group to them.
  • To add a user or group to a group from the parent group's property sheet, select the Members tab, which lists the users and groups which are members of the group. Click the Add tool to open a dialog with lists of users and groups on sub-tabs, select one or more, and then click OK to add them to the group.
    Note: Click the Show All Children Members tool to show all the groups and users that belong to the members of the group, and who will inherit rights, permissions, and profiles assigned to the group.