Generating an Eclipse Java Project from an OOM

You can model the structure of your Java application (including EJBs, Servlets, and JSPs) in a PowerDesigner OOM and then generate an Eclipse Java Project in which you will complete the implementation of the classes, and from which you will compile, package, deploy, and debug the application.

You can use the PowerDesigner plugin for Eclipse to enable round-trip engineering for Java development:

  • Perform high level analysis and design using PowerDesigner

  • Design and create Java components in PowerDesigner

  • Generate an Eclipse Java project containing the following files:
    • A .project file - that defines the name of the project and the build commands

    • A .classpath file - that defines the source directory, the binary directory and the list of libraries

    • Source files and other files

    • A build.xml for Ant build script - to specify the necessary build tasks and libraries.

  • Finish the implementation of Java classes within the generated Eclipse project

  • Compile, package, deploy and debug the application

  • Reverse engineer the final Java code to synchronize the PowerDesigner model

  1. Select Tools > General Options and click the Variables category, then add the following variables if they are not already present:
    • ECLIPSE_HOME - your Eclipse home directory
    • J2EE_HOME - your J2EE SDK home directory
    • JWSDP_HOME - [optional] your Java Web Service Developer Pack home directory
  2. [optional] Preview the Eclipse .project, .classpath and Ant build.xml files by right-clicking the model node in the Browser and selecting Properties. Each of the files is available on its own sub-tab on the Preview tab of the property sheet.
  3. Select Language > Generate Java Code to open the Generation dialog.
  4. Enter the project folder where you want to generate the files in the Directory field. The name of this folder will be used as the project name.
  5. Verify that Eclipse is selected on the Targets tab.
  6. [optional] Click the Selection tab and specify the packages, classes and interfaces that you want to generate. By default, all objects are generated.
  7. Click the Options tab and review the generation options, including those that control the Eclipse version to generate for and whether to overwrite existing .project and .classpath files.
  8. [optional] Click the Generated Files tab and specify which files will be generated. By default, all files are generated
  9. Click OK to generate the Eclipse Java project.

    If you are generating a new project from the PowerDesigner plugin for Eclipse, the project opens automatically.

    When generating code for an existing project, you must refresh the project by right-clicking the project in the Eclipse Package Explorer and selecting Refresh.

    If you have generated the Eclipse project from outside Eclipse, you will need to import the project into Eclipse by selecting File > Import.