Moving a Diagram to a Package

In some cases, you may want to move a diagram and some or all of the objects it contains into another package or composite object, such as a process or activity.

The linking objects that you move with the diagram keep their links in the target package and a shortcut is usually created in the source package. The general rule being that the design of the original diagram must be preserved.

Shortcuts creation rules in PowerDesigner also apply to moving objects between packages (see Shortcuts and Object Replications).

You can simply drag and drop the diagram from one package to another in the Browser to move all the objects in the diagram to the target package. To control which objects are moved, use the wizard.

  1. Select View > Diagram > Move to Package (or right-click the diagram background window and select Diagram > Move to Package or right-click the diagram node in the Browser and select Move to Package) to open the Move Diagram to Package wizard.

  2. Select the target package to which you want to move the current diagram and click Next to open the Selecting Objects to Move page, which lists all the objects in the diagram available to move to the new package. Objects are organized by object type, with a sub-tab for each object type. By default, all the objects are selected.

  3. [optional] Deselect any objects you do not want to move to the new package. Objects deselected here will remain in the original package and be represented in the new package via shortcuts.
  4. Click Finish to move the diagram to the new package.

    If the last diagram is moved or deleted from a package, a new diagram is automatically created as all packages must contain at least one diagram.