Analyzing Differences in the Merge Models Window

The Merge Models window shows you the anticipated result of the merge of your model, with the differences highlighted, and allows you to select or deselect the elements to merge.

The window is divided in two parts:
  • The Object comparison pane in the upper part of the window displays the anticipated result of the merge on the target model.

    Click the Show Source Model button at the top left of the pane to split the pane between the source and target models.

  • The Property comparison pane in the lower part of the window displays the properties of the nodes selected in the model tree, listing the name of the property and its values in the From and To models.

    Click the Properties tools in the From or To column heading to open the property sheet of the selected object in the source or target model.

You can navigate among the proposed merge actions displayed in the model to be merged using the following tools:



Goes to the first difference in the tree view

Goes to the previous difference in the tree view.

Goes to the next difference in the tree view

Goes to the last difference in the tree view


You can right-click a moved object and select Next or Previous occurrence to go to its next or previous occurrence. To expand all nodes at once, press the numpad star (*). To collapse all nodes at once, you can press the numpad minus sign (-).

For each difference detected during the comparison process, a merge action is proposed for you to synchronize the model to be merged with the model on the left pane. Merge icons are composed of a symbol and a color. A triangle provides an indication that there is a difference between the two models. A circle with a check box, which only appears on the right-hand pane specifies a merge action that will be performed if the check box is selected.

The following table explains the color code:










Deletion and shortcut replacement



The following table lists the indications and merge action symbols:



[yellow] Notification that children were modified

[red] Notification that object properties were modified

[green] Notification that object was moved

Object creation [blue] - Adds object to model to be merged because it exists in model on left pane

Object deletion [purple] - Deletes object from model to be merged

Object modification [red] - Updates object definition in model to be merged using object definition in model on left pane

Object move [green] - Moves object in model to be merged to the same location as in model on left pane or replaces it with shortcut

Shortcut merge [purple] - Replaces the shortcut with target object

Shortcut deletion [purple] - Deletes shortcut from target model

Shortcut creation [blue] - Creates shortcut in target model