Multiple PowerDesigner Portal Instances on One Server

We do not provide support for running multiple instances of the PowerDesigner Portal on a single physical server. However, it is possible to manually configure your installation to do so using this procedure.

  1. Install the initial PowerDesigner Portal normally.
    In this example, we will install the Portal to C:\Portal:
  2. Create a second installation directory for the second instance of the Portal, and add a sub-directory to hold the second instance of Tomcat.
    In this example, we will create a second installation directory at C:\Portal2
  3. Install the second Tomcat or other server to C:\Portal2\Tomcat and specify a different listening port.
    In this example, we will use port number 3030 for the first Tomcat and 9090 for the second instance
  4. Copy C:\Portal\Tomcat\webapps\cmr.war to C:\Portal2\Tomcat\webapps\cmr.war. For the remainder of this procedure, the file must be unzipped, as it will be if Tomcat is running.
  5. Copy the folders config, log, keystore, and license from C:\Portal to C:\Portal2.
  6. Edit C:\Portal2\Tomcat\webapps\cmr\WEB-INF\cmrhome.xml to specify your new folder:
    <entry key="Path">C:\Portal2</entry>
  7. Clear C:\Portal2\Tomcat\work and restart Tomcat.

    The URL for accessing the first PowerDesigner Portal is http://myserver:3030/cmr/ and the URL for the second is http://myserver:9090/cmr/.

    The new instance will initially point to the original database. You can change the database:
    • By clicking the Advanced options link on the login page.
    • By editing C:\Portal2\config\repository.xml