Installing a License Server

If you intend to use standalone served or floating served licenses, you must either install the SySAM license server provided as part of the PowerDesigner installation or locate an existing SySAM license server on your network, to which your PowerDesigner licenses can be assigned.

The license server serves a license to a user upon request and retrieves it when it is no longer being used. If all the licenses are already in use, the license server informs you that no license is available.

You must already have obtained a license file before you can install the license server (see Obtaining a License Key File).


Do not install a license server and PowerDesigner on the same workstation. License servers installed with PowerDesigner v11 are not compatible with v12.0 and higher. If you no longer use PowerDesigner v11, we recommend that you uninstall the old license server.

If you borrow a mobile license and your workstation has installed other products with Flexlm served licenses, you may encounter problems returning your license to the server.

The default SySAM server supplied with PowerDesigner can only be installed on a Windows machine. To install SySAM in other environments and to obtain detailed information about SySAM, go to Note that any licenses that have been activated for a Windows server must be reactivated for any other platform.

  1. Select the machine on which you want to install the SySAM license server (this should not be a workstation on which you will install any Sybase product), and insert the PowerDesigner CD.
  2. Click the Install Licenses Server button to open the Sybase Software Asset Management Installshield wizard:

  3. Click Next to display the license agreement page. Read the License Agreement and click the I Agree radio button to accept the terms of the agreement. If you click I Do Not Agree, the installation will be cancelled.
  4. Click Next to display the license file definition page and perform one of the following actions:
    • If you already have a license file, click the Load button and browse to the folder where your license file is located. The content of the license file is automatically displayed in the License key box.

    • Download a license file from SPDC and copy the file content into the License Key box.

  5. Click Next.

    The destination folder page is displayed if no other SySAM license server is detected on the machine.

  6. Select the suggested installation directory or browse to a new one and then click Next to go to the settings page.
  7. Click Next to accept the current settings and start copying files.
    The copy starts. A progress box is displayed and Setup copies files to the destination directory. When installation is complete:
    • If SySAM had to be installed, you can choose to start the license server as a service.

    • If the PowerDesigner licenses were assigned to an existing license server, you can choose to reread the licenses to refresh the server license file.

  8. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

    If a firewall is activated on the computer where the license server is installed, then the ports 27000 and 27010 must be opened in the firewall. For a Windows Firewall, you may need to add the port 27000 and the SySAM executable (for example C:\Sybase\SYSAM-2_1\Bin\SYBASE.exe to the list of exceptions.

    Additionally, on Windows and UNIX platforms, edit the license server license files to add the port number 27000 to the line beginning SERVER and add a new line VENDOR SYBASE PORT=27010 directly after it. When you have finished, these lines should read as follows:
    SERVER server_name server_id 27000