WS-BPEL 2.0 Object Properties

WS-BPEL 2.0 object property sheets contain additional properties on the WS-BPEL tab.




[scope, sequence, flow and if] Provides concurrency control in governing access to shared variables, through a serializable scope, which must not be nested, and must be a leaf scope.

Scripting name: Isolated


[Assign] Specifies that the assign activity validates all the variables being modified by the activity.

Scripting name: Validate

Counter name/ Start counter expression / Final counter expression

[forEach] Specify the name of the implicit variable used to store the counter of the loop, together with its initial and final values, which are evaluated when the activity starts. During each repetition, the counter variable is implicitly declared in the activity's child scope.

Scripting name: CounterName, StartCounterExpression, FinalCounterExpression


[forEach] Specifies that the activity is parallel. By default, it is serial.

Scripting name: Parallel

Successful branches only

[forEach] Specifies to count only those scopes that have completed successfully. The <branches> element of the forEach activity represents an unsigned-integer expression used to specify a completion condition.

Scripting name: SuccessfulBranchesOnly

[invoke] Specifies the correlations used by the invoke activity. You can choose between:
  • Multiple correlation - Disables the other correlation properties and displays the Further Correlations tab, on which you can specify any number of correlations keys.
  • First and second correlation patterns (each of which can have the values request, request-response, or response) and initiate input and output correlations (each of which can have the values yes, no, or join.

Scripting name: MultipleCorrelation, InCorrelationPattern, InCorrelationInitiate, OutCorrelationPattern, OutCorrelationInitiate

Create instance

[receive and pick] Specifies the instanciation of the process.

Scripting name: CreateInstance

Initiate correlation

[receive, reply and reply fault] Specifies the value of the initiation of the correlation, which can be join, no, yes.

Scripting name: InitiateCorrelation

Exit on standard fault

[scope, sequence, flow and if] Specifies that the process must exit immediately.

Scripting name: ExitOnStandardFault

Common properties

The properties common to all WSBPEL2.0 objects:
  • Expression language - Specifies the expression language used in expressions, which is by default: urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0
  • Join condition - Used to specify requirements about concurrent paths reaching an activity. The default value for XPath is the logical OR of the link status of all incoming links.
  • Suppress join failure - Specifies that the joinFailure fault will be suppressed for all activities in the process. The effect of the attribute at the process level can be overridden by an activity using a different value for the attribute.

Scripting name: expressionLanguage, joinCondition, suppressJoinFailure

The following properties are available on the Extended Attributes tab:



Data schema target namespace

[WSDL file] Specifies the target namespace of the data schema.

Scripting name: schemaNameSpace

Definition namespace

[message format] Specifies the namespace URI message that can only be used by BPEL variables.

Default variable: %ownerServiceNmspc%

Scripting name: DefinitionNamespace

Definition target namespace

[model and package] Specifies the target namespace.

Default value: %urnName%

Scripting name: DefinitionTargetNamespace

Imported WSDL content

[WSDL file] Specifies the content of the original reversed WSDL file.

Scripting name: ImportedWsdlContent

Namespace prefix to use

[XSD document and WSDL file] Specifies the XML prefix used by the process to reference the schema definition or service provider.

Default variable: %wsdlUsedPref%

Scripting name: PrefixForUse