SIMUL8 Work Entry Point Properties

SIMUL8 work entry point property sheets contain all the standard start tabs, along with the Simulation tab.

The Simulation tab contains the following properties:



Capital cost

Specifies the capital cost. Financial results can be viewed in SIMUL8, by selecting Finance > Income Statement.

Default value: 0

Scripting name: FinanceCapitalCost

Capital cost by unit

Specifies the capital cost by work unit.

Default value: 0

Scripting name: FinanceCapitalCostByUnit

Time distribution type

Specifies work feeding by using different statistical distributions. You can choose from one of the following values:

  • Exponential [default]

  • Average

  • Fixed

  • Normal

  • Uniform

Scripting name: InterArrivalTimeDistribution

Average time

Specifies the average time between two consecutive work items (in time units).

Default value: 10

Scripting name: InterArrivalTimeAverage

Lower / Upper bound time

Specify the lower and upper bounds for the uniform timing distribution type. Samples from a uniform distribution are equally spread between the lower bound and the upper bound.

Default value: 10, 11

Scripting name: InterArrivalTimeBoundLower, InterArrivalTimeBoundUpper

Time standard deviation

Specifies the standard deviation for the normal timing distribution type. For the average distribution type, standard deviation value is set to: average value / 4.

Default value: 0

Scripting name: InterArrivalTimeStandardDeviation