Designing a Transport Element

You design a Transport element using a resource with a <<Transport>> stereotype.

The name of this object is the Id of the Transport element. If the name of the resource object with a <<Transport>> stereotype is referenced by a Delivery Channel object, then the generation function produces a corresponding Transport element in the CPA template.

The following extended attributes (accessible from the Extended Attributes tab of the resource property sheet) apply to the Transport element. These attributes allow you to define technical parameters related to the Transport element. PowerDesigner generates CPA Transport element when a <<DeliveryChannel>> resource object references the corresponding resource objects:

Name Description


Specifies the transport protocol used by the Sender/Receiver.

Default value: HTTP

Scripting name: SenderTransport_Protocol, ReceiverTransport_Protocol

Protocol version

Specifies the transport protocol version used by the Sender/Receiver.

Default value: 1

Scripting name: SenderTransport_Protocol_Version, ReceiverTransport_Protocol_Version

Access authentication

Specifies the authentication mechanism used by the sender/receiver transport server.

Default value: basic

Scripting name: SenderTransport_AccessAuthentication, ReceiverTransport_AccessAuthentication


Specifies the receiver transport endpoint (URI address).

Scripting name: ReceiverTransport_Endpoint

Endpoint type

Specifies the type of the receiver transport endpoint.

Default value: allPurpose

Scripting name: ReceiverTransport_Endpoint_type

Security protocol

Identifies the transport layer security protocol for the sender/receiver.

Default value: SSL

Scripting name: SenderTransport_TransportClientSecurity_TransportSecurityProtocol, ReceiverTransport_TransportServerSecurity_TransportSecurityProtocol

Security protocol version

Identifies the version of the transport layer security protocol for the sender/receiver.

Default value: 3

Scripting name: SenderTransport_TransportClientSecurity_TransportSecurityProtocol_Version, ReceiverTransport_TransportServerSecurity_TransportSecurityProtocol_Version

Client/Server certificate reference

Specifies a reference to the certificate to be used by the sender/receiver transport security module.

Scripting name: SenderTransport_TransportClientSecurity_ClientCertificateRef, ReceiverTransport_TransportServerSecurity_ServerCertificateRef

Server/Client security details reference

Specifies a reference to security details applied by the sender/receiver transport server.

Scripting name: SenderTransport_TransportClientSecurity_ServerSecurityDetailsRef, ReceiverTransport_TransportServerSecurity_ClientSecurityDetailsRef