Designing XSD Data Types

XSD schema files contain the definition of the complex data types used within the business process. These data types are used to define context variables that are accessible by the different activities.

Each XSD file is a set of elements and complex types that can be used as a data type of a variable. In PowerDesigner, you can associate XML elements to BPM variables or message parts.

To use XSD types in a BPM you have to import a WSDL file into your model.

PowerDesigner imports WSDL files as service providers, the schema section of the WSDL file is imported as an XML model associated with a service provider as an XSD document. The input/output messages of the different operations are imported as message formats containing parts of XSD type. These message formats are used as data types of context variables, which are used to receive or send messages. For context variables, the XSD definition file is extracted and generated from the service provider DataSchema attribute. When the DataSchema is empty the following extended attribute is available from the message format with message parts property sheet:


Internal code


XSD file location


Location of the XSD file that contains the definition of the types used by the parts of the message.