Top-Down Design

A business analyst designs a model using the Analysis process language because he wants to have a global perspective on the processes of an enterprise, and a developer recovers this model to automate some of its processes.

  1. Generate a BPM for Sybase WorkSpace Business Process - Select Tools > Generate Business Process Model . The original Analysis model is preserved for future regeneration. If the Analysis model contains several top-level processes, you need to generate one model for each top-level process by deselecting the other processes in the Selection tab of the Generation dialog. During generation, some semantic transformations are performed on the model to make it compliant with Sybase WorkSpace Business Process.
  2. Identify <<Send>> and <<Receive>> Activities - Change the <<Undefined>> processes corresponding to the reception of a service request to receive activities and those corresponding to answers to these requests, to send activities and select their <<Receive>> process.
  3. Implement Other Services by Web service operations - If the operations are already implemented in the WorkSpace environment, you can import them as service provider operations and associate the service operations to <<Undefined>> processes (see Importing WorkSpace Services). If the operations are not yet implemented, right-click the <<Undefined>> process and select Invoke New ... Service to create an empty operation that can be further defined using WorkSpace service editors. The supported WorkSpace service types are: Java, Transformation, Database and Message (see Invoking WorkSpace Services).
  4. Decision Stereotype - A <<SingleRule>> decision is taken during the evaluation of a boolean expression defined in the WorkSpace decision editor. Only two flows must come from the <<SingleRule>> decision and one of these flows must have a False condition. A <<Choice>> decision is triggered by a receive activity. All the flows coming from the <<Choice>> decision must target receive activities, and there can be more than two flows.
  5. Check the Model - To verify that it conforms to the Sybase WorkSpace Business Process language standard.
  6. Generate Sybase WorkSpace Business Process files - Select Language > Generate Sybase WorkSpace Business Process 1.0 code. See Generating for Sybase WorkSpace Business Process.
  7. Use the Business Process Service Editor to continue process implementation. You will have to define the type of received and sent messages, define <<SingleRule>> condition expressions, and so on.