Selecting EbXML Generation Options

You can set the following options, available from the Options tab of the Generation dialog box in ebXML:



Generate description

Allows the generation of Process Description attribute as an ebXML documentation tag

Default file name

Defines the default name of the file to generate

Use XPaths

Allows the generation of XPaths when a BPSS document references Business Transactions (BT) or Binary Collaborations (BC). When this option is set to False, the BT or BC is referenced by its name only

Use relative paths

Allows the generation of file name without the full path. This is used for the generation of specification location of Business Document in ebXML. This option has no effect when the location is an http URL. It is only considered when the location is an external file. The specification location will be generated as a complete URL (full path name) when the option is set to False and as a file name only when the value is True

Generate SchemaRef

Enables the generation of the XML schema namespace in BPSS document

Generate NameIDs

Enables the generation of the nameID for each element of the BPSS document

Generate CPA Template

Enables the generation of a second file that contains a template for CPA associated with ebXML BPSS