Reverse Engineering BPEL Languages

You can reverse engineer files that contain BPEL objects into a BPM.

You reverse engineer the following types of BPEL files into a BPM:

  • .BPEL files

  • .WSDL files

  • .XML files containing a BPEL definition

The WSDL definitions contained in the .BPEL files are reversed into service providers.


We recommend that you begin with importing your .WSDL files before reverse engineering the .BPEL files, as PowerDesigner does not support the [import] clause, which allows you to reverse the WSDL definitions contained in .BPEL files.

  1. Select Language > Reverse Engineer BPEL4WS [or WS-BPEL] File to display the Reverse dialog.
  2. Select to reverse engineer files or directories from the Reverse Engineer list.
  3. On the Selection tab, click the Add button to open a standard Open dialog.
  4. Select the files or directory you want to reverse, and click Open to display the selected files in the Reverse dialog.

    You can muti-select files to reverser engineer using the Ctrl or Shift keys. All files will be reversed in the same BPM.

  5. [optional] On the Options tab, select the Create XML Model check box, whether you want to automatically create an XML model for each schema of the WSDL file.
  6. Click OK to close the Reverse dialog.

    The reverse engineering begins, and the Merge Models dialog opens to let you control the differences between your BPM and the reversed engineered files.

    For more information about merging models, see Core Features Guide > The PowerDesigner Interface > Comparing and Merging Models.

  7. Click OK to close the dialog.
    The objects are added to your model.

You can also reverse engineer BPEL files in a new BPM. For more information, see Reverse Engineering Source Files into a BPM.