Class Mappings

There are two kinds of classes in ADO.NET and ADO.NET CF:

Framework-specific class mapping options are defined on the ADO.NET or ADO.NET CF tab of the class property sheet:



Default cascade

Specifies the default cascade style.

Default access

Specifies the default access type (field or property)

Default command type

Specifies command type, currently we supply Text and StoreProcedure to users.


Specifies that the class should be lazy fetching.

Abstract class

Specifies that the class is abstract.

Discriminator column

Specifies the discriminator column or formula for polymorphic behavior in a one table per hierarchy mapping strategy.

Discriminator value

Specifies a value that distinguishes individual subclasses, which are used for polymorphic behavior.

Discriminator type

Specifies the discriminator type.