Generating PowerBuilder Objects

You can generate PowerBuilder objects to an existing PowerBuilder application or as source files. Each class bearing a stereotype is generated as the appropriate PowerBuilder object. Classes without stereotypes are generated as user objects. Objects not fully supported by PowerDesigner have all their properties removed and only the header is generated.

  1. Select Language > Generate PowerBuilder to open the PowerBuilder Generation dialog.
  2. [optional] Click the Selection tab and specify the objects that you want to generate from. By default, all objects are generated.
  3. [optional] Click the Options tab and set any appropriate generation options:



    Check model

    Launches a model check before generation (see Checking an OOM).

    Using librairies

    This mode is only available if you have PowerBuilder installed on your machine.

    Specify a PowerBuilder version and select a target or application from the Target/Application list. Objects are generated as follows:
    • Package with specified library path (defined in an extended attribute during reverse engineering) is generated in corresponding library from target/application library list
    • Package at the root of the model without library path is generated in a new library at the same level as target/application library
    • Child package without library path is generated in parent package
    • Object at the root of the model is generated in the target/application library

    Using source files

    Specify a directory to which to generate the files. Objects are generated as follows:
    • Classes Defined at the Model Level are generated as source files in the specified directory.
    • Classes Defined in Packages are generated as source files in sub-directories.

    You must import the generated objects into PowerBuilder.

  4. Click OK to begin generation.

    The files are generated to the specified application or directory.