Generating the Data Movement Script

You can generate the data movement script from the Tools menu.

  1. Select Tools > Extended Generation , and specify a directory in which to generate your data movement files.
  2. [optional] Click the Selection tab and specify for which Tables and/or Data Sources you want to generate a data movement script.
  3. [optional] Click the Options tab and specify the following generation options as appropriate:
    • Use Mappings – Specifies to use mappings to control the data movement.
    • Data Movement Method – Specifies the type of script to generate:
      • Insert Location – [IQ or ASE only] Create a loadscript for connecting the source database to the IQ server. If the data source is not an IQ or ASE database, then no loadscript will be generated.
      • External File – Create a dump file from the source database together with a loadscript to upload it to the IQ server.
  4. [optional] Click the Generated Files tab to review the names and locations of the files to be generated.
  5. Click OK to begin the generation of the data movement script.