Configuring the Generated Model Options

When you configure the options of a CDM to generate, you may define options diverging from the PDM options.

To avoid conflicts, PowerDesigner applies the following rule for default values of CDM options: an option defined for the generated CDM should respect the equivalent option of the PDM.

Equivalent Enforce non-divergence model options are available in both the PDM and CDM.

PDM option

CDM option

Result in generated CDM

Enforce non-divergence

Enforce non-divergence in model according to PDM options. Data items and attributes attached to the domain cannot have divergent definitions

Enforce non-divergence

Enforce non-divergence in model according to CDM options defined using the Configure Model Options feature

Relationships Unique Code

(CDM) Unique Code for relationships is not selected by default in the CDM options. However, if you select Unique Code for relationships in the CDM options, relationships are renamed during the generation of a PDM to a CDM.

Options with no equivalent, like Enforce Profile in the PDM without any corresponding option in a CDM, are generated using default values found in the registry.

Options with No Equivalent in the Models

(OOM) Options with no equivalent, like Enforce Profile in the PDM without any corresponding option in an OOM, are generated using default values found in the registry.