PowerBuilder DataWindow Extended Attributes

When designing tables to be used in a SAP® Sybase® PowerBuilder® DataWindow, you can manage the extended attributes which PowerBuilder uses to store application-based information, such as label and heading text for columns, validation rules, display formats, and edit styles.

PowerDesigner supports the modeling of this information through an extension file. To enable the PowerBuilder extensions in your model, select Model > Extensions, click the Attach an Extension tool, select the PowerBuilder file (on the General Purpose tab), and click OK to attach it.

When this extension file is attached, additional properties for two PowerBuilder system tables (PBCatTbl for tables and PBCatCol for columns) are available on the PowerBuilder tab of tables and columns:

To import the PowerBuilder extended attributes contained in your database to your PDM, select Tools > PowerBuilder > Reverse Extended Attributes, click the Connect to a Data Source tool, select a machine or file data source and click Connect. Select the tables you want to reverse-engineer, and click OK.

To update the PowerBuilder extended attribute system tables in your database, select Tools > PowerBuilder > Generate Extended Attributes, click the Connect to a Data Source tool, select a machine or file data source and click Connect. Select the tables you want to generate, and click OK. Reversed extended attributes are compared with the translated default values in the PowerBuilder extension file. If these attributes match, the reversed value is replaced by the default value from the extension file.