Populating Columns with Test Data

You can use test data to quickly fill your database with large amounts of data in order to test its performance, and estimate its size. You can also use test data as the basis for data profiling. PowerDesigner allows you to create test data profiles, which generate or provide lists of data items and are assigned to columns or domains. You can create test data profiles that contain number, character, or date/time data.

For example, you could create a test data profile called Address, that specifies test character data that is appropriate to represent addesses, and then associate that profile with the columns Employee Location, Store Location, and Client Address.

If you associate a test data profile with a domain, its data will be generated to all columns that are attached to the domain. If you specify a data profile as the default for its type, its data will be generated to all columns that are not associated with another profile.

You can create a test data profile in any of the following ways:
Note: You can import and export test data profiles to reuse them across multiple models by using the commands under the: Tools > Test Data Profile menu. The *.xpf file format can contain one or more test data profiles.