Synonyms (PDM)

A synonym is an alternative name for various types of objects (table, view, sequence, procedure, function, synonym or database package).

Synonyms are created to:
For example, table SALES_DATA is owned by user JWARD. A standard select statement on this table would be:
SELECT * FROM jward.sales_data
The database administrator can create a synonym for this table and owner and call it SALES. In this case, the SQL statement is simplified in the following way:

In PowerDesigner synonyms are created for base objects. Base objects support multiple synonyms while each synonym can have only one base object. You can view the synonyms depending on a base object in the Dependencies tab of the base object property sheet. If you delete the base object of a synonym, the synonym is deleted as well.

Note: PowerDesigner supports the generation and reverse-engineering of synonyms. When you reverse-engineer synonyms, the link with the base object is preserved if both objects are reverse engineered and if the base object is displayed before the synonym in the script. You can reverse a synonym without its base object, but then you should define a base object for it.