Masks (DB2)

Masks are supported for IBM DB2 for z/OS 10 and higher. PowerDesigner models masks as extended objects with a stereotype of <<Mask>>.

Creating a Mask

You can create a mask in any of the following ways:

Mask Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a mask property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Masks folder.

The following extended attributes are available on the General tab:




Specifies the column to which the mask applies. A mask must not already exist for the column.

Scripting name: MaskColumn


Specifies if the column mask is to be enabled for column access control.

Scripting name: MaskEnabled

The following extended attributes are available on the Expression tab:



Table correlation name

Specifies a correlation name that can be used within CASE expression to designate the table.

Scripting name: TableCorrelation

Case expression

Specifies a CASE expression that determines the value that is returned for the column. The result of the CASE expression is returned in place of the column value in a row.

Scripting name: CaseExpression