Adapting components to be run by the Thread Manager

Each thread runs an EAServer component instance. To be run by the Thread Manager, the component must have a run method with this IDL signature:

void run ( );

The Thread Manager calls the run method one or more times, depending on how you configure the run interval (described below).

For EJB components, the run method must be in a remote interface or an additional interface that is neither an EJB remote or local interface. To add such an interface, follow the procedure “Adding interfaces”. You can use the predefined CtsComponents::ThreadBase. Regenerate the component skeleton after adding interfaces.

The Thread Manager is itself an EAServer component, and runs your component using intercomponent calls. All component properties, including transaction attributes, are in effect when your component is run by the Thread Manager. The Thread Manager executes with the system identity, as does your component’s run method.