JAR file locking and copying

JAR files that are in the server’s CLASSPATH setting are locked while in use by the system class loader. Consequently, on some platforms such as Windows, you cannot update or overwrite the JAR file while the server is running. To verify the server’s CLASSPATH setting, connect to the server with EAServer Manager and check the value in the General tab of the Server Properties dialog box, or connect to the server with jagtool and check the value of the server property com.sybase.jaguar.server.jvm.classpath.

To allow refresh of JAR files that are custom loaded, each class loader instance works with a copy of the JAR files that it has loaded. Copies are created in subdirectories of the EAServer work/server-name/tempjars subdirectory, where server-name is the name of your server. EAServer deletes these directories and files when you restart the server.