Creating stub instances

You call the Session.lookup method to return an object reference factory. You then use the factory to create one or more proxies for the component.

lookup takes a string that specifies the EAServer component name. By default, the name is package/component, where package is the EAServer Manager package name and component is the component name. Package and component names are not case sensitive. Component developers can override the default name by setting the JNDI Name property for EJB components, or the property for other types of components.

lookup returns a CORBA::Object reference. You use Narrow_ to convert the object reference into an instance of the factory for the component.

After instantiating the factory, the factory Create method returns an instance of the component proxy.

The code to instantiate a proxy for a component named Foo/Bar looks like this:

Dim Session as Session
Dim fact as Factory
Dim barComp as Bar // Component proxy
Dim obj as Object
...deleted session initialization ...
Set obj = Session.lookup("Foo/Bar")
Set fact = obj.Narrow_("SessionManager/Factory")
Set barComp = fact.Create()