Deploying clients

The client deployment process varies depending on what type of clients your application uses.

Java clients

To deploy a Java applet, you must create an HTML page that loads the applet. To deploy a Java application, you must supply all classes required by your application to end users for installation on their machines. See “Deploying and running Java clients” for complete instructions.

ActiveX clients

To deploy ActiveX clients, you must install the EAServer ActiveX proxy on client workstations and register the proxy interfaces in the COM Automation Server Registry. See “Deploy the ActiveX client” for more information.

C++ clients

To deploy C++ clients, you must copy the EAServer C++ client runtime libraries to the client machine and configure a few environment variables. See “Deploying C++ clients” for more information.

PowerBuilder clients

PowerBuilder provides a variety of options for deploying applications. You can build an executable file and use the PowerBuilder Runtime Packager to package it with the PowerBuilder VM and other required files. You can also deploy a Web site that uses 4GL Web pages to access EAServer components. See the PowerBuilder Application Techniques and Working with Web and JSP Targets manuals for more information.