Viewing server statistics

To view server statistics, you can use any of the following methods:

Some statistics are not collected by default, such as memory usage statistics. To see these statistics, enable the scheduled tasks that record them as described in “Scheduled tasks for statistics collection” in Chapter 1, “Introduction,” in the EAServer Performance and Tuning Guide.

The remainder of this chapter describes using the Management Console to view statistics.

StepsViewing statistics in spreadsheet format

  1. Expand the icon for the server you want to monitor.

  2. On the General tab, select the Statistics URL.

  3. In the Login dialog, enter the administrative user name and password for the Management Console.

    A new window displays statistics for all the server’s entities.

StepsViewing statistics on entity tabs

  1. Expand the icon for the server you want to monitor.

  2. Highlight the Statistics folder. Statistics display in the right pane on the:

    Each tab displays counters, which represent monitored statistics, such as the number of component invocations or HTTP requests. When you select a tab, the current values of the counters display. There are several types of counters:

  3. To refresh or change the counters view, choose from:

    Some statistics are valid for a particular moment in time, so you must refresh the display to get the most current information.