Naming Service

Select the Naming Service tab in the Server Properties dialog box to set the server’s naming service options. You can use this property sheet to configure a server to be a name server, or to point to another server as its name server.

NoteYou can also set the bindpassword server property to enable password protection for name binding on a name server. For more information, see “Name binding password security”.

For general information about naming services, see Chapter 5, “Naming Services.”

Initial Context – enter the server’s default name context. The name server binds any object implementations on the server to the server’s initial name context.

If you use an EAServer as a name server, the name context can be a compound name with each organization level separated with a forward slash (“/”); for example, /us/sybase/finance.

If you use an external LDAP server to provide persistent storage, the initial context must match the schema used by the LDAP server. For example, c=us,o=sybase,ou=finance.