Mapping Web server requests to EAServer listeners

Create and edit the redirector configuration file to add the Connector.WebApp directive, which maps requests sent to the redirector by the Web server to EAServer HTTP listeners. The syntax is:

Connector.WebApp contextpath1 [, contextpath2, and so on] =
http://host:port [, http://host:port, and so on]          

For example, if “neptune” is the name of your Web server, and WEB_SERVER_HOME/https-neptune/config/conn_config is the name and location of the redirector configuration file, edit conn_config to:

Connector.WebApp /testapp = http://jaghost1:8080
Connector.WebApp /estore1, /estore2, /estore3 = http://neptune:8080
Connector.WebApp /* = http://foobar:8080, http://neptune:8080
Connector.WebApp examples=http://jaghost1:8080, http://jaghost1:3080, http://jaghost2:8080

Single-line entries

You must make entries in the redirector configuration file on a single line, but you can combine EAServer hosts in one entry or multiple entries. For example:

Connector.WebApp /*=http://rainforest:8080,http://neptune:8080

Is the same as:

Connector.WebApp /*=http://rainforest:8080 
Connector.WebApp /*=http://neptune:8080 

In addition, the server hosts specified by the WebApp directive (in this case, “rainforest” and “neptune”) must match the host names you define for your EAServer HTTP listeners. Use EAServer Manager to view and set host names for your EAServer HTTP listeners—see Chapter 3, “Creating and Configuring Servers,” in the EAServer System Administration Guide for more information.