IPB_Arguments interface

The IPB_Arguments interface has two methods:

The following code fragment uses GetCount and GetAt in a FOR loop to process different argument types. The ci-> pArgs -> GetCount()statement gets the number of arguments, and ci -> pArgs -> GetAt(i) gets the value at the index i. This value is a pointer to the IPB_Value interface on which IPB_Value methods, such as IsArray and GetArray, can be called (see “IPB_Value interface”) :

int i;
for (i=0; i < ci-> pArgs -> GetCount();i++)
   pbuint ArgsType;
   if( ci -> pArgs -> GetAt(i) -> IsArray())   
      pArguments[i].array_val = 
         ci -> pArgs -> GetAt(i) -> GetArray();

   if( ci -> pArgs -> GetAt(i) -> IsObject()) 
      if (ci -> pArgs -> GetAt(i) -> IsNull()) 
         pArguments[i].obj_val = 
            ci -> pArgs -> GetAt(i) -> GetObject();