Call the PowerBuilder function

Before you call the function, you must supply the integers to be multiplied. For the sake of simplicity, the following code sets them directly in the PBCallInfo structure.

   // Set IN arguments. The prototype of the function is
   // integer f_mult(integer arg1, integer arg2)
   ci.pArgs-> GetAt(0)->SetInt(123);
   ci.pArgs-> GetAt(1)->SetInt(45);

Finally call the function, wrapping it in a try-catch statement to handle any runtime errors:

   // Call the function
      session->InvokeObjectFunction(pbobj, mid, &ci);

      // Was PB exception thrown?
      if (session->HasExceptionThrown())
         // Handle PB exception
   catch (...)
      // Handle C++ exception

   // Get the return value and print it to the console
   pbint ret = ci.returnValue->GetInt();
   fprintf(stderr, "The product of 123 and 45 is %i\n",