Chapter 3, “Creating and Configuring Servers”

(CR #500334) The configuration property name for the Component property in Table 3-7 is incorrect. The correct property name is serviceComponents, as indicated below:




The name of the component that implements the service.

For a user-defined service component, enter either:

  • The class name of a simple Java class (must be in the server class path), or

  • The fully-qualified name of an EJB local or remote interface; for example,

    ejb.components.mypackage.MyCompLocal or


The configuration property name is serviceComponents.

(CR #487210) By default, multiple users can start EAServer. However, to allow single user to start EAServer, configure EAServer with the shared-data-protection-off option. For example:

cd $EAServer/bin shared-data-protection-off

To allow multiple users to start EAServer, use the shared-data-protection-on option. For example:

cd $EAServer/bin shared-data-protection-on

(CR #473658) “Configuring system logging” describes how to customize the location of the system log files, but the name of the variable (DJC_JVM_ARGS) is incorrect. The correct variable is DJC_JVM_USER_ARGS; for example:

set DJC_JVM_USER_ARGS=$DJC_JVM_USER_ARGS -Ddjc.logFile=/myserver/myserver.log 
-Ddjc.logFileMaxSize=5m -Ddjc.logFileRotation=true

NoteIf you customize the location of the system log files, only the HTTP log is rotated; the server log is not.