Support for floating stacks

Red Hat Linux has enabled a GLIBC feature called 'floating stacks'. Because of Linux kernel limitations, the JVM will not run on SMP hardware with floating stacks enabled if the kernel level is less than 2.4.10. There are two possible solutions to this issue:

Based on test results, Sybase recommends that the version of the kernel be upgraded to enable floating stacks instead of disabling the feature by setting the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable.

When enabling floating stacks, make sure the Java thread stack size (-Xss option) is sufficient as described in “Tuning the server for stress conditions”. If floating stack are not enabled, regardless of what is set for the Java thread stack size (-Xss option), a minimum native stack size of 256KB for each thread is provided. On a floating stack Linux system, the -Xss setting is honored even if less than 256KB.

For more information on the floating stacks feature, see IBM'S JDK 1.3.1 readme file, which can be found under $JAGUAR/jdk/jdk1.3.1/docs.