

The text color of the column or the background color of the DataWindow.

The color affected by the Color property depends on the control:

Applies to

DataWindow, Button, Column, Graph, and GroupBox controls


PowerBuilder dot notation:


Describe and Modify argument:

	"DataWindow.Color { = long }"
	"controlname.Color { = long }"


	DataWindow ( Color = long )
	Column ( Color = long )




The column whose text color you want to set or the graph whose line color you want to set.


(exp for columns only) A long value specifying the color of the column text or the DataWindow background. When you are specifying the text color of a column, you can specify a DataWindow expression in quotes. You cannot specify an expression for the DataWindow background color.

When generating DataWindow syntax with SyntaxFromSql, the Color setting for Column applies to all columns.


In the painter

For the DataWindow background, click the DataWindow to deselect all controls and set the value in the Properties view, Background tab, Color option. If you save to an EMF or WMF, the properties on the Background tab are not saved with the DataWindow.

For a column’s text color, select the column and set the value in the Properties view, Font tab, Text Color option.

For a graph’s line color, select the graph and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Text Color option.


Example 1

string column_text_color

column_text_color = dw1.Object.emp_name.Color

dw1.Object.salary.Color = &


Example 2

dw_back_color = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Color")

column_text_color = dw1.Describe("emp_name.Color")

dw1.Modify( &


See also