NULL values


Null means undefined or unknown. It is not the same as an empty string or zero or a date of 0000-00-00. For example, null is neither 0 nor not 0.

Typically, you work with null values only with respect to database values.


Initial values for variables Although PowerBuilder supports null values for all variable datatypes, it does not initialize variables to null. Instead, when a variable is not set to a specific value when it is declared, PowerBuilder sets it to the default initial value for the datatype—for example, zero for a numeric value, false for boolean, and the empty string ("") for a string.

Null variables A variable can become null if one of the following occurs:

Nulls in functions and expressions Most functions that have a null value for any argument return null. Any expression that has a variable with a null value results in null.

A boolean expression that is null is considered undefined and therefore false.

Testing for null To test whether a variable or expression is null, use the IsNull function. You cannot use an equal sign (=) to test for null.

Valid This statement shows the correct way to test for null:

IF IsNull(a) THEN							...

Invalid This statement shows the incorrect way to test for null:

IF a = NULL THEN							...


Example 1 None of the following statements make the computer beep (the variable nbr is set to null, so each statement evaluates to false):

int     Nbr

// Set Nbr to NULL.


IF Nbr = 1 THEN Beep(1)

IF Nbr <> 1 THEN Beep(1)

IF NOT (Nbr = 1) THEN Beep(1)

Example 2 In this IF...THEN statement, the boolean expression evaluates to false, so the ELSE is executed:

int     a


IF a = 1 THEN 

     MessageBox("Value", "a = 1")


     MessageBox("Value", "a = NULL")


Example 3 This example is a more useful application of a null boolean expression than Example 2. It displays a message if no control has focus. When no control has focus, GetFocus returns a null object reference, the boolean expression evaluates to false, and the ELSE is executed:

IF GetFocus( ) THEN 

     . . .  // Some processing


     MessageBox("Important", "Specify an option!")