

Selects the word containing the insertion point in a RichTextEdit control.

Applies to

RichTextEdit and DataWindow controls


rtename.SelectTextWord ( )




The name of the RichTextEdit or DataWindow control in which you want to select a word. The DataWindow object in the DataWindow control must be a RichTextEdit DataWindow.


Integer. Returns the number of characters selected if it succeeds and -1 if a word cannot be selected or an error occurs.


A word is any group of alphanumeric characters. A word can include underscores and single quotes but does not include punctuation and special characters such as $ or #. If punctuation or special characters follow the selected word, they are not selected.

If the character after the insertion point is a space, punctuation, special character, or end-of-line mark, SelectTextWord does not select anything and returns -1.


Example 1

The following statement selects the word containing the insertion point:


Example 2

This example selects the word at the insertion point. If there is no word, it increments the position until it finds a word. It checks when it reaches the end of a line and wraps to the next line as it looks for a word. If this script is assigned to a command button and the button is clicked repeatedly, you step through the text word by word:

integer li_rtn

long llstart, lcstart, ll_lines, ll_chars

ll_lines = rte_1.LineCount()

ll_chars = rte_1.LineLength()

li_rtn = rte_1.SelectTextWord()

// -1 if a word is not found at the insertion point

	DO WHILE li_rtn = -1

		// Get the position of the cursor

		rte_1.Position(llstart, lcstart)

		// Increment by 1 to look for next word

		lcstart += 1

		// If at end of line move to next line

		IF lcstart >= ll_chars THEN

			lcstart = 1  // First character

			llstart += 1 // next line

			// If beyond last line, return

			IF llstart > ll_lines THEN

				RETURN 0



		// Set insertion point

		rte_1.SelectText(llstart, lcstart, 0, 0)

		// In case it's a new line, get new line length

		// Can't do this until the ins pt is in the line

		ll_chars = rte_1.LineLength( )

		// Select word, if any

		li_rtn = rte_1.SelectTextWord()


// Add code here to process the word (for example,

// passing the word to a spelling checker)

See also