

Displays a dialog box with the specified recipient’s address information.

Applies to

mailSession object


mailsession.mailRecipientDetails ( mailrecipient {, allowupdates } )




A mailSession identifying the session in which you want to display the detail information for a recipient.


A mailRecipient structure containing valid address information. Mailrecipient must contain a recipient identifier returned by mailAddress, mailResolveRecipient, or mailReadMessage.

allowupdates (optional)

A boolean indicating whether updates to the recipient’s name will be allowed. If the user does not have update privileges for the mail system, then allowupdates is ignored. The default is false.


mailReturnCode. Returns one of the following values:

If any argument’s value is null, mailRecipientDetails returns null.


The effect of setting allowupdates to true depends on the mail system and the user’s privileges.

Before calling mail functions, you must declare and create a mailSession object and call mailLogon to establish a mail session.


Example 1

This example gets the message IDs from the user’s inbox and reads the first message. It then calls mailRecipientDetails to display address information for the first recipient. Recipient is an array of structures and a property of mailMessage. Each array element is one of the message’s recipients. The example does not check how many values there are in the message ID or recipient arrays and it assumes that the application has already created a mailSession object and logged on:

mailMessage msg

integer n

long c_row


mSes.mailReadMessage(mSes.MessageID[1], &

    msg, mailEnvelopeOnly!, FALSE )


See also