

Reports the number of data points in the specified series in a graph.

Applies to

Graph controls in windows and user objects, and graphs in DataWindow controls and DataStore objects


controlname.DataCount ( { graphcontrol, } seriesname )




The name of the graph in which you want the number of data points in a specific series, or the name of the DataWindow control or DataStore containing the graph

graphcontrol (DataWindow control or DataStore only)

(Optional) The name of the graph in the DataWindow control or DataStore for which you want the data point count for the series


A string whose value is the name of the series for which you want the number of data points


Long. Returns the number of data points in the specified series if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If any argument’s value is null, DataCount returns null.


Example 1

These statements store in ll_count the number of data points in the series named Costs in the graph gr_product_data:

long ll_count

ll_count = gr_product_data.DataCount("Costs")

Example 2

These statements store in ll_count the number of data points in the series named Salary in the graph gr_dept in the DataWindow control dw_employees:

long ll_count

ll_count = &

    dw_employees.DataCount("gr_dept", "Salary")

See also