

Obtains the height of the workspace within the boundaries of the specified window.

Applies to

Window objects


windowname.WorkSpaceHeight ( )




The name of the window for which you want the height of the workspace area


Integer. Returns the height of the workspace area in PowerBuilder units in windowname. If an error occurs, WorkSpaceHeight returns -1. If windowname is null, WorkSpaceHeight returns null.


The workspace height does not include the thickness of the frame, the title bar, menu bar, horizontal scroll bar, or any toolbars at the top or bottom. The workspace height includes the MicroHelp status bar.

The workspace width does not include the thickness of the frame, the vertical scroll bar, or any toolbars on the left or right.


Example 1

This example returns the height of the workspace area in the w_employee window:

Integer Height

Height = W_employee.WorkSpaceHeight()

Example 2

This example resizes the client area of a custom MDI frame window (that is, a frame window in which you have placed controls). P_logo is the control that has been placed on the window. The code belongs in the script for the frame’s Resize event:

integer lw, lh

// Get the current workspace measurements

lw = This.WorkSpaceWidth()

lh = This.WorkSpaceHeight()

// Subtract the logo, MicroHelp from the height

lh = lh - (p_logo.Y + p_logo.Height)

lh = lh - MDI_1.MicroHelpHeight

// Add the distance between the top of the frame

// (just below the menu bar or toolbar, if any)

// and top of the workspace.

lh = lh + This.WorkspaceY( )

// Move the client area below the picture control

MDI_1.Move(This.WorkspaceX( ), &

      p_logo.Y + p_logo.Height)

// Resize the client area using the calculated dims

mdi_1.Resize(lw, lh)

See also