

Determines the length of the line containing the insertion point in an edit control.

Applies to

RichTextEdit, MultiLineEdit, and EditMask controls


editname.LineLength ( )




The name of the RichTextEdit, MultiLineEdit, or EditMask in which you want to determine the length of the line containing the insertion point


Long. Returns the length of the line containing the insertion point in editname. Returns -1 if an error occurs. If editname is null, LineLength returns null.


If the control contains a selection instead of a single insertion point, LineLength counts the line at the beginning of the selection.

PowerBuilder remembers where the insertion point is in each editable control. When the user moves the focus to another control, you can still find out the length of the line most recently edited by calling the LineLength function for that control.

NoteInsertion point in editable controls Because PowerBuilder remembers the position of the insertion point, users can resume editing at the insertion point if they make the control active by tabbing to it. When users make a control active by clicking on it, they move the insertion point as well.

For an EditMask control, LineLength reports the length of the mask, regardless of the number of characters the user has entered.


Example 1

If the insertion point is positioned anywhere in line 5 of mle_Contact and line 5 contains the text Select All, il_linelength is set to 10 (the length of line 5):

integer li_linelength

li_linelength = mle_Contact.LineLength()

See also