

Draws a white rectangle with rounded corners and a border of the specified thickness on the print page.


PrintRoundRect ( printjobnumber, x, y, width, height, xradius, yradius,
   thickness )




The number the PrintOpen function assigned to the print job


An integer specifying the x coordinate in thousandths of an inch of the upper-left corner of the rectangle


An integer specifying the y coordinate in thousandths of an inch of the upper-left corner of the rectangle


An integer specifying the rectangle’s width in thousandths of an inch


An integer specifying the rectangle’s height in thousandths of an inch


An integer specifying the x radius of the corner rounding


An integer specifying the y radius of the corner rounding


An integer specifying the thickness of the rectangle’s border line in thousandths of an inch


Integer. Returns 1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If any argument’s value is null, PrintRoundRect returns null.


The PrintOval, PrintRect, and PrintRoundRect functions draw filled shapes. To print other shapes or text inside the shapes, draw the filled shape first and then add text and other shapes or lines inside it. If you draw the filled shape after other printing functions, it will cover anything inside it. For example, to draw a border around text and lines, draw the oval or rectangular border first and then use PrintLine and PrintText to position the lines and text inside.

PrintRoundRect does not change the position of the print cursor, which remains where it was before the function was called. In general, print functions in which you specify coordinates do not affect the print cursor.


Example 1

This example starts a new print job, which begins a new page, and prints a rectangle with rounded corners as a page border. Then it closes the print job, which sends the page to the printer.

The rectangle is 6 1/4 inches wide by 9 inches high and its upper corner is one inch from the top and one inch from the left edge of the print area. The border has a line thickness of 1/8 of an inch and the corner radius is 300:

long Job

// Define a new blank page.

Job = PrintOpen()

// Print a RoundRectangle on the page.

PrintRoundRect(Job, 1000,1000, 6250,9000, &

   300,300, 125)

// Send the page to the printer.


See also