OLEObjects for efficiency

When your automation command refers to a deeply nested object with multiple server qualifiers, it takes time to negotiate the object’s hierarchy and resolve the object reference. If you refer to the same part of the object hierarchy repeatedly, then for efficiency you can assign that part of the object reference to an OLEObject variable. The reference is resolved once and reused.

Instead of coding repeatedly for different properties:


you can define an OLEObject variable to handle all the qualifiers:

OLEObject ole_wordbasic
ole_wordbasic = ole_1.Object.application.wordbasic
ole_wordbasic.propertyname1 = value
ole_wordbasic.propertyname2 = value

Example: resolving an object reference

This example uses an OLEObject variable to refer to a Microsoft Word object. Because it is referred to repeatedly in a FOR loop, the resolved OLEObject makes the code more efficient. The example destroys the OLEObject variable when it is done with it:

integer li_i, li_count
string ls_curr_bookmark
OLEObject ole_wb

ole_wb = ole_1.Object.application.wordbasic

// Get the number of bookmarks
li_count = ole_wb.countbookmarks
// Get the name of each bookmark
FOR li_i = 1 to count
   ls_curr_bookmark = ole_wb.bookmarkname(i)
   ... // code to save the bookmark name in a list