Declaring cursors

Declare a cursor for each select statement that returns multiple rows of data. You must declare the cursor before using it, and you cannot declare it within a declare section.

NoteThe declare cursor statement is a declaration, not an executable statement. Therefore, it may appear anywhere in a file; SQLCODE, SQLSTATE, and SQLCA are not set after this statement.

The syntax for declaring a cursor is:

exec sql declare  cursor_name  cursor
     for  select_statement ;



The following example demonstrates declaring cursors:

exec sql declare c1 cursor for
 select type, price from titles
 where type like :wk-type;

In this example, c1 is declared as a cursor for the rows that will be returned for the type and price columns. The precompiler generates no code for the declare cursor statement. It simply stores the select statement associated with the cursor. When the cursor opens, the select statement or procedure in the declare cursor statement executes. When the data is fetched, the results are copied to the host variables.

NoteEach cursor’s open and declare statements must be in the same file. Host variables used within the declare statement must have the same scope as the one in which the open statement is defined. However, once the cursor is open, you can perform fetch and update or delete where current of on the cursor in any file.