Requesting persistent binding for cursor input variables only

The preceding example showed how the -b and -p options affect statements that use host variables with a cursor. The example’s only host variables were host output variables. The following code is an example that shows how the -b and -p options affect statements that use host input variables with a cursor in this case, a dynamic cursor named dyn_curs1.

The open statement in the following example contains a host input variable, min_price. The following sections describe how the -b and-p options affect the bindings of this host input variable.

#include <stdio.h>
 long SQLCODE = 0;
 void main()
     int i = 0;
     exec sql begin declare section;
         CS_CHAR        sql_string[200];
         CS_FLOAT       min_price;
         CS_CHAR        book_title[200];
     exec sql end declare section;
     exec sql connect "sa";
     exec sql use pubs2;
         "select title from titles where price > ?");
         exec sql prepare sel_stmt from :sql_string;
     /* The options used to precompile a cursor's declaration
     ** control whether host variables persist in statements,
     ** such as OPEN, that use the cursor. 
     exec sql declare dyn_curs1 cursor for sel_stmt;
     min_price = 10.00;
     /* If the declaration of dyn_curs1 was precompiled 
     ** without -p, bind the OPEN statement's input variable 
     ** (min_price) each time the statement repeats.  Otherwise, 
     ** bind only the first time, letting the binding persist  
     ** until dyn_curs1 is deallocated. 
     for (i = 10; i <= 21; ++i)
     {     min_price = min_price + 1.00;
           exec sql open dyn_curs1 using :min_price;
           while (SQLCODE != 100)
                 exec sql fetch dyn_curs1 into :book_title;
                 if (SQLCODE != 100) printf("%s\n", book_title);
           exec sql close dyn_curs1;
     exec sql deallocate cursor dyn_curs1; 
     exec sql disconnect CURRENT;

If you use -p but omit -b when precompiling the preceding example, the generated code binds min_price only once—the first time that the open statement executes. The binding persists because you used the -p option, which controls host input variables.

The binding for min_price persists throughout all subsequent iterations of the statement, until the program deallocates dyn_curs1. The binding persist even if your program closes dyn_curs1 and then reopens it.