delete (searched)


Removes rows specified by search conditions.


exec sql [at connection_name] delete table_name_1 
 [from table_name_n 
 [, table_name_n]…] 
 [where search_conditions]; 



The name of the table from which this delete statement deletes rows.

from table_name_n

The name of a table to be joined with table_name_1 to determine which rows of table_name_1 will be deleted. The delete statement does not delete rows from table_name_n.

where search_conditions

Specifies which rows will be deleted. If you omit the where clause, the delete statement deletes all rows of table_name_1.


Example 1

 ** Function to FAKE a cascade delete of an author **
 **by name -- this function assumes that pubs2 is
 ** the current database.
 ** Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure
     int        drop_author(fname, lname)
     char       *fname;
     char       *lname;
 exec sql begin declare section;
     CS_CHAR        f_name[41], l_name[41];
     CS_CHAR        titleid[10], auid[10];
 exec sql end declare section;
     long        SQLCODE;
 strcpy(f_name, fname);
 strcpy(l_name, lname);
 exec sql whenever sqlerror goto roll_back;
 exec sql select au_id from authors into :auid
         where au_fname = :f_name 
         and au_lname = :l_name;
exec sql delete from au_pix where au_id = :auid;
exec sql delete from blurbs where au_id = :auid;
 exec sql declare cur1 cursor for
     select title_id from titleauthor
     where au_id = :auid;
 exec sql open cur1;
 while (SQLCODE == 0)
     exec sql fetch cur1 into :titleid;
    if(SQLCODE == 100) break;
    exec sql delete from salesdetail
         where title_id = :titleid;
     exec sql delete from rowsched 
         where title_id = :titleid;
     exec sql delete from titles
         where title_id = :titleid;
     exec sql delete from titleauthor 
         where current of cur1;
 exec sql close cur1;
 exec sql delete from authors
     where au_id = :auid;
 exec sql commit work;
 return 1;
     exec sql rollback work;
     return 0;


See also

close, declare cursor, fetch, open, update