Send the Dump Database Marker to Replication Server

When the Data Server Interface thread (DSI) is in resync mode after you resume DSI using skip to resync marker, and you restart Replication Agent in resync mode, the dump database marker received after the resync database marker suspends DSI and removes any existing resynchronization state for that DSI connection.

Multiple replicate databases for the same primary database all receive the same dump database marker. In Replication Agent, the dump database marker is sent based on the Replication Agent configuration setting, using the lr_dump_marker command with the oracle scn parameter. See the Replication Agent documentation.

Note: When you restart Replication Agent using resync with init, DSI suspends immediately after receiving the resync database marker. DSI does not wait for a dump marker before suspending.

You can manually resume DSI after you apply the dump to the replicate database. DSI no longer rejects committed transactions and all transactions that commit after the dump point, which is indicated by the dump database marker, are replicated.