ExpressConnect Settings

Replication Server provides Oracle connection profiles, which instruct the Replication Server connection about the settings and function strings needed for appropriate database-specific behaviors (such as datatype transformation, commit processing, and rs_ticket support) for an Oracle replication connection.

When creating or altering a Replication Server connection to Oracle, use the appropriate Oracle connection profile (for example, the profile for ASE-to-Oracle replication or the profile for Oracle-to-Oracle replication).

Also, the replication of stored procedures in Oracle may require additional customer-provided function strings. By default, Replication Server generates ASE syntax, which may not be understood by the target database. Function strings can be added to adjust this syntax to be appropriate for the target database. For example, to transform a function call econn_test_basic_proc with one character type and one money type parameter, you must create a function string as follows:

create function string econn_test_basic_proc.econn_test_basic_proc for
rs_oracle_function_class with overwrite output language
‘call econn_test_basic_proc(?charcolp!param?, ?moneycolp!param?)’
In this example, the function string causes the keyword call to be placed in front of any function replication definition and function named econn_test_basic_proc in the rs_oracle_function_class. An example of another function string that would generate a syntax acceptable to Oracle is:
create function string econn_test_basic_proc.econn_test_basic_proc for
rs_oracle_function_class with overwrite output language ‘begin
econn_test_basic_proc(?charcolp!param?, ?moneycolp!param?);; end;;’

In this example, the function string prepends the same function replication definition and function with the keyword begin and appends the character string “;; end;;”

Warning!  ExpressConnect for Oracle does not support the use of custom function strings for text and image processing.

Array Processing in ExpressConnect for Oracle

Ensure that array processing in ExpressConnect for Oracle is applied only to tables that have a table-level replication definition. The performance enhancement provided by array processing within the ExpressConnect for Oracle connection requires the information included in the table-level replication definition.