Table, Procedures, Marker, and Trigger Objects

The table and procedure objects, marker procedures and marker shadow tables that are considered Replication Agent objects, as well as commands that are considered Replication Agent trigger objects are listed in the Replication Agent Primary Database Guide.

Insert and delete permissions are granted to Public only on the DDL shadow table for the database name prefixddl_trig_xxx. No permissions are granted on other tables.

The sp_SybSetLogforReplTable and sp_SybSetLogforReplProc procedures are created in the Microsoft SQL Server mssqlsystemresource system database. Although execute permission on these procedures is granted to Public, only the Replication Agent pds_username user can successfully execute the procedures, because only the pds_username user is granted select permission on the sys.sysschobjs table. No permissions are granted on the other procedures when they are created.