The rs_status Table

The rs_status table stores information about the progress of materialization.




schema varchar (255)

Owner of table being materialized

tablename varchar (255)

Name of table being materialized

action varchar (1)
  • I – initial load
  • A – autocorrection phase
  • R – replication
starttime timestamp

Time action was started

endtime timestamp

Time action completed

status varchar (1)
  • P – action in progress
  • X – execution complete
  • E – execution error
pid int Reserved
For example, if autocorrection is in progress for my_table, rs_status contains a row like this:
schema tablename action starttime               endtime status pid
------ --------- ------ ----------------------- ------- ------ ---
sys    my_table  A      2011-07-11 19:11:25.531         P      
If autocorrection is complete for my_table, rs_status contains a row like this:
schema tablename action starttime
------ --------- ------ -----------------------
sys    my_table  A      2011-07-11 19:11:25.531
endtime                 status pid
----------------------- ------ ---
2011-07-11 19:12:14.326 X      

There is no automatic cleanup of rs_status data. Before you attempt to rematerialize a table, you must delete its corresponding row from rs_status:

delete rs_status where tablename=tablename and schema=owner