Switching the active and standby databases

  1. At the Replication Server, enter:

    switch active for logical_ds.logical_db
    to standby_ds.standby_db

    See “Internal switching steps” for information on what Replication Server does when you switch.

  2. To monitor the progress of a switch, enter:

    admin logical_status, logical_ds, logical_db

    The Operation in Progress and State of Operation in Progress output columns indicate the switch status.

  3. When the active database switch is complete, resume the connection to the active database in Replication Server:

    resume connection to active_ds.active_db
  4. Suspend the Replication Agent at the original active site, if not already suspended. Configure it to standby mode:

    ra_config ra_standby,true
  5. Replication Agent at the original standby mode is automatically suspended and changed from standby mode to replication mode. To check, enter:

    ra_config ra_standby

    The return values must be false.

  6. Resume both the Replication Agents at the active and standby sites.

NoteIf Replication Server stops in the middle of switching, the switch resumes after you restart Replication Server. When you resume the Replication Agent at the standby site, it automatically updates the Replication Agent System Database (RASD).