Migrating to the real-time loading solution

  1. Create a maintenance user in the iqdb replicate Sybase IQ data server or you can use the existing maintenance user.

  2. Create the connection to the replicate Sybase IQ database from the replicate Replication Server using the rs_ase_to_iq connection profile and the maintenance user from step 2, such as dbmaint:

    create connection to IQSRVR.iqdb
    using profile rs_ase_to_iq;standard
    set username to dbmaint
    set password to dbmaint
  3. At the primary database, if a table owned by dbo is not marked as owner_on, you must enable owner_on for the table so that Sybase IQ can find the table since dbo does not exist in Sybase IQ:

    • ASE 15.0.3 and later:

      sp_setrepdefmode testtab, ‘owner_on’
    • Versions earlier than ASE 15.0.3:

      sp_setreptable testtab, ‘true’, ‘owner_on’
  4. Recreate the replication definition to include owner information since you have enabled owner_on.

  5. If there are referential constraints between tables, you must alter the replication definition to define referential constraints so that Replication Server is aware of the referential constraints and can perform bulk apply in the proper order. See “Tables with referential constraints”

  6. Enable RTL for the connection to the replicate database:

    alter connection to iqserver_name.rdb
    set dsi_compile_enable to 'on'

    After suspending and resuming the connection, the change in the connection takes effect.

  7. Create subscriptions for each table. If the primary and replicate database are synchronized, include the without materialization clause in the subscription. Otherwise you must enable autocorrection during materialization.

You can now replicate from Adaptive Server directly to Sybase IQ.